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Amnesty International Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


Procurador General del Estado
Javier Alonso Pacheco Palacios
Fiscalía de la Nación
Av. Abancay cdra. 5, (Sede Central)

E-Mail: lbenavides@mpfn.gob.pe



Dear General Prosecutor,

The relatives of the assassinated individuals, and those who were gravely injured, following the police repression of protests held 10 - 12 December 2022, in the city of Andahuaylas and the neighboring village of Chincheros, in the Apurímac region of Peru organized and founded the
Andahuaylas Victims Association. Their principal demand is that their cases not remain shrouded in impunity.

So far the Peruvian authorities have failed to guarantee that the victims and their relatives are able to participate in a significant manner in the investigations being carried out by the Office of the Attorney General, and that those investigations are timely, impartial, independent, and exhaustive.

As member / sympathizer of Amnesty International, I would therefore like to ask you to listen to the victims and ensure that the ongoing criminal investigations into the deaths and injuries caused in the protests do not run into obstacles; are swift and independent; and include hard evidence against the police chiefs or other commanding officers who may be responsible. Impunity must not prevail.

Yours sincerely


Botschaft der Republik Peru
S. E. Herrn Augusto David Teodoro Arzubiaga Scheuch
Taubenstr. 20
10117 Berlin

Fax: 030 – 20 64 10 77
E-Mail: info@embaperu.de