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Amnesty International Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


Director of the Fed. Penitentiary Service of the Altai krai
Gerasimov Sergei Yermagenovich
Lenina prospekt
147-B, Barnaul
Altai krai, 656011




Dear Director,

Maria Ponomarenko is a journalist and activist from Barnaul in Western Siberia. On 23 April 2022, she was detained for sharing a Telegram post about the bombing of the Drama Theatre in Mariupol, Ukraine. It contained a video from the theatre made before the attack and a short comment condemning civilian deaths.

On 15 February 2023, Maria was sentenced to six years’ imprisonment and a five-year ban on engaging in journalism on her release.
In detention, she was treated brutally and her health deteriorated.

Therefore, as member / sympathizer of Amnesty International, I urge you to ensure that Maria Ponomarenko is released immediately and unconditionally; to ensure that the ill-treatment of Maria Ponomarenko is immediately stopped and that her treatment in any prison institution, as well as while in transit between them, complies with international law and standards; and to ensure that all those suspected of responsibility for Maria Ponomarenko’s ill-treatment are brought to justice in fair proceedings in accordance with international law.


Botschaft der Russischen Föderation
S. E. Herrn Sergej J. Netschajew
Unter den Linden 63-65
10117 Berlin

Fax: 030 –229 93 97