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Amnesty International Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


Crown Prince and Prime Minister
Sheikh Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa
Court of the Crown Prince
P.O. Box 29091




Your Highness,

Human rights defender
Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja took part in peaceful pro-democracy demonstrations in Bahrain in 2011 and was subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment. The Bahraini-Danish dual national has so far spent more than twelve years in arbitrary detention and has been subjected to physical, sexualized and psychological torture. His health has deteriorated significantly as a result of the torture and long imprisonment.

In 2023, the prison authorities continuously denied Abdulhadi al-Khawaja adequate medical treatment by arbitrarily canceling his hospital appointments or making him wait for hours handcuffed in a windowless, unventilated vehicle without air conditioning.

Given that Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja is a prisoner of conscience targeted solely for the peaceful exercise of his human rights, I call as member / sympathizer of Amnesty International upon your Highness to ensure that he is immediately and unconditionally released. Until then, he must receive adequate medical treatment.

Yours sincerely,

Botschaft des Königreichs Bahrain
S. E. Herrn Abdulla Abdullatif Abdulla
Klingelhöfer Str. 7,
10785 Berlin

Fax: 030 –86 87 77 88
info@bahrain-embassy.de oder berlin.mission@mofa.gov.bh