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Amnesty International Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


President Cyril Ramaphosa
Private Bag X1000
Pretoria, 0001
president@presidency.gov.za oder presidentrsa@presidency.gov.za X (vormals Twitter): @PresidencyZA; @CyrilRamaphosa



Dear President,

Human rights defender
Thapelo Mohapi is the General Secretary of Abahlali baseMjondolo (AbM), a grassroots movement that saw its beginnings in 2005 in eThekwini in the KwaZulu-Natal province. Thapelo is currently in hiding after facing ongoing threats and intimidation for his activism work. These threats have intensified in the lead up to South Africa’s national election this year. Under Thapelo’s leadership, the AbM movement has grown from 13,000 to 115,000 members nationally who fight for human rights for all, particularly with respect to access to land and adequate housing.

AbM reports that 25 of its activists, members and supporters have been killed in their 18-year existence, some in relation to their human rights work.

As member / sympathizer of Amnesty International, I therefore call on you to ensure thorough, timely, impartial and effective investigations are carried out into killings of AbM members, with suspected perpetrators held to account. I also ask you to take measures such as passing adequate laws to ensure the protection of human rights defenders in South Africa.



Botschaft der Republik Südafrika
S. E. Herrn Phumelele Stone Sizani
Tiergartenstraße 18,
10785 Berlin

Fax: 030 – 22 07 31 90