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Amnesty International Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


Fiscal Nacional
Ángel Valencia Vásquez
Fiscalía Nacional
Catedral 1421-1453
Santiago de Chile

E-Mail: avalenciav@minpublico.cl oder saviles@minpublico.cl



Dear Prosecutor General,

I am writing to ask for justice for
Gustavo Gatica, a psychology student from Santiago. On 8 November 2019, he attended a social justice protest, where police fired riot shotguns at protesters in a manner inconsistent with international standards. Gustavo Gatica was hit in both eyes by rubberized buckshot and left permanently blind as a result.

The officer who is suspected to have shot Gustavo Gatica is now under criminal investigation, but progress is slow, with the last preliminary court hearing in early August 2024 yielding scant results. According to the Chilean Human Rights Institute, 10,568 criminal complaints have now been filed by people who have suffered human rights violations at the hands of the police during the social unrest in late 2019. So far, this has only resulted in a small number of prosecutions.

As member / sympathizer of Amnesty International, I therefore call on you to end impunity and to ensure justice for Gustavo Gatica and all other victims of violations during the 2019 protests. Please use your influence to demand swift, independent and effective trial proceedings in Gustavo Gatica’s case, which involves not only prosecuting the suspected direct perpetrator, but also any senior officials responsible for the police’s violent approach
Yours sincerely,


Botschaft der Rep. Chile
I. E. Frau Maria Magdalena Atria Barros
Mohrenstr. 42
10117 Berlin

Fax: 030 – 726 20 36 03
E-Mail: echile.alemania@minrel.gob.cl