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Amnesty International Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


Samia Suluhu Hassan
President of the United Republic of Tanzania
1 Julius Nyerere Road,

E-Mail: press@ikulu.go.tz



Dear Mrs. President,

I am writing about the case of
Oriaisi Pasilance Ngiy’o (Ole Ngiy’o), an 84-year-old Maasai man who was last seen on 10 June 2022 after he was shot by Tanzanian security forces during protests against the forced evictions of the Maasai Indigenous People from their ancestral lands in Loliondo.

Security forces used excessive, arbitrary or otherwise unlawful force, including live ammunition and tear gas, to disperse the protest. Ole Ngiy’o was last seen by his family and other community members lying on the ground after he was shot in both legs. Afterwards, a witness saw a police officer take Ole Ngiy’o into a police car. A habeas corpus petition filed in November 2022 has stalled as the police are yet to appear before the High Court despite being summoned.

Two years after his disappearance, his fate and whereabouts remain unknown.

As member / sympathizer of Amnesty International, I therefore respectfully urge you to ensure your government immediately initiates an investigation into the shooting and enforced disappearance of Ole Ngiy’o with the aim of establishing his fate and whereabouts. Furthermore, I ask you to please support progress in the habeus corpus case, particularly by ensuring that the relevant police officers obey court summonses.

Yours sincerely,

Botschaft der Ver. Rep. Tansania
S. E. Herrn Hassani Iddi Mwamweta
Eschenallee 11
14050 Berlin

Fax: 030 – 30 30 80 20
E-Mail: berlin@tzembassy.go.tz