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Amnesty International Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


Minister of the Interior
Mahmoud Tawfiq
Ministry of Interior
25, El Sheikh Rihan Street
Bab al-Louk, Cairo

Fax: 0020 – 227 945 529
E-Mail: center@iscmi.gov.eg oder center@moi.gov.eg


Dear Minister,

I am greatly concerned that since September 2023, the Egyptian authorities have carried out mass arrests of Sudanese refugees for entering or remaining in the country irregularly.

It appears that migrants arrested have been held for periods ranging from a few days up to six weeks in cruel and inhumane conditions of detention, before being forcibly deported to Sudan without an individualized risk assessment or the opportunity to claim asylum or challenge deportation decisions. Tens of thousands of undocumented Sudanese nationals remain at risk of arbitrary detention and forced return solely for their migration status, amid rising racist and xenophobic speech in the media and statements by top officials about Egypt’s economic burden of hosting refugees.

As member / sympathizer of Amnesty International, I urge you to immediately halt all collective expulsions to Sudan and respect the principle of non-refoulement by not transferring anyone to a place like Sudan where they would be at real risk of serious human rights violations.
Please end the arbitrary arrest and detention of Sudanese nationals solely based on their migration status, and immediately release all those arbitrarily detained. Pending their release, please ensure that authorities hold Sudanese nationals in conditions in line with the international standards on the treatment of prisoners, and grant them access to their families, lawyers, and any medical care they might require.

Yours sincerely,

Botschaft der Arabischen Republik Ägypten
S. E. Herrn Khaled Galal Abdelhamid
Stauffenbergstraße 6-7, 10785 Berlin

Fax: 030 – 477 10 49
E-Mail: embassy@egyptian-embassy.de