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Amnesty International Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


President Lai Ching-te (邱和順)
Office of the President No. 122
Sec. 1, Chongqing S. Rd.
Zhongzheng District Taipei City 100006



Dear President Lai,

I am greatly concerned about
Chiou Ho-shun, who has been in prison for more than 30 years and is under sentence of death despite there being no evidence to prove he is guilty of the alleged crimes. He was arrested in 1988 in relation with the murder of Ko Hung Yu-lan and the kidnapping of Lu Cheng. He was convicted and sentenced to death in 1989.

During detention and interrogation, Chiou Ho-shun was tortured and ill-treated. Prosecutors used the forced "confessions" obtained from him and other co-defendants as evidence to prove guilt, even though no material evidence linking Chiou Ho-shun to the crimes has ever been presented in court. Because of problems with earlier trials, Taiwan’s Supreme Court ordered the case to be retried 11 times, but it nevertheless affirmed Chiou Ho-shun's death sentence in 2011.

Chiou Ho-shun has spent decades in prison and is struggling with illness. With all judicial remedies nearly exhausted, I implore you as member / sympathizer of Amnesty International to grant him a pardon and make sure he is released from prison after more than 30 years of despair.



Herrn Jhy Wey Shieh
Markgrafenstrasse 35,
10117 Berlin

E-Mail: deu@mofa.gov.tw
Fax: 030 – 20 36 11 01