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Amnesty International Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


Sr. Presidente Nicolas Maduro
c/o Botschaft der Bolivarischen Republik Venezuela
S. E. Herrn Ramon Orlando Maniglia Ferreira
Schillstraße 10,
10785 Berlin

Fax: 030 – 83 22 40 20
E-Mail: embavenez.berlin@botschaft-venezuela.de



Dear President Maduro,

I am greatly concerned about six people who are being unfairly detained for defending human rights in Venezuela.
Javier Tarazona, Rocío San Miguel, Carlos Julio Rojas, Kennedy Tejeda, Edward Ocariz and Henry Gómez are all being held for political reasons. Most of them are being denied access to a lawyer of their choice, and some of them have been pressured into signing documents.

I am appealing to your government to stop its policy of repression. Venezuelan civil society organizations estimate that over 2,000 people are currently detained for political reasons. Amongst those targeted are teachers, trade unionists, human rights defenders and journalists. According to Foro Penal, there have been more than 17,500 politically motivated arbitrary detentions in Venezuela since 2014, with over 1,800 of them having occurred in the days following the July 2024 presidential election.

As member / sympathizer of Amnesty International, I therefore urge you to immediately and unconditionally release Javier Tarazona, Rocío San Miguel, Carlos Julio Rojas, Kennedy Tejeda, Edward Ocariz, Henry Gómez and all those unfairly detained for political reasons in Venezuela.

Yours sincerely,