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Amnesty International Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


President of Vietnam
Luong Cuàng
President’s Office
No. 2, Hung Vuong Street
Ba Dinh District
Hanoi 11100




Dear Mr President,

As member / sympathizer of Amnesty International, I hereby ask you to ensure that environmental lawyer
Đăng Đình Bách is released immediately and unconditionally.

Đăng Đình Bách has dedicated his life to improving living conditions and health for the people of Vietnam.
He has tried to protect them from the dangers of environmental pollution and climate change.

On 24 June 2021, Đăng Đình Bách was arrested for alleged tax evasion – a crime he did not commit. He was later sentenced to five years in prison in a trial that UN experts have described as unfair.

Until his release, Đăng Đình Bách must be protected from torture and other ill-treatment and must receive access to adequate medical care.

Yours sincerely,


Botschaft der Sozialistischen Republik Vietnam
S.E. Herrn Vu Quang Minh
Elsenstraße 3
12435 Berlin

Fax: 030 536 302 00
E-Mail: info@vietnambotschaft.org