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Amnesty International Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


María Consuelo Porras Argueta
Attorney General and Chief of the Prosecutor’s office
Ministerio Público, Oficina de la Fiscal General, 8o Nivel
15 Avenida A 15-16,
Cdad. de Guatemala




Dear Attorney General,

As member / sympathizer of Amnesty International, I am writing to you today to demand the immediate release of
José Ruben Zamora.

José Ruben Zamora is an investigative journalist and (co-)editor of the newspapers Siglo XXI, Nuestro Diario and elPeriódico. He was arrested on 29 July 2022 on charges of money laundering. The authorities' action against him was criticised at home and abroad and was seen as a reprisal for his reporting on corruption in the government.

In 2023, a court sentenced him to six years in prison after an unfair trial.

Please release José Ruben Zamora immediately.

While he is still imprisoned, he must be protected from all forms of torture and other ill-treatment and given access to adequate medical care.

Yours sincerely,


Botschaft von Guatemala
S. E. Herrn Jorge Alfredo Lemcke Arevalo
Kaiserdamm 20
14057 Berlin

Fax: 030 – 20 64 36 59
E-Mail: sekretariatde@minex.gob.gt