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Amnesty International Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


Gruppe Miesbach (1431)


Marcy Cláudio Lopes
Ministro da Justiça e dos Direitos Humanos
Rua 17 de Setembro Ingombota

E-Mail: geral@minjusdh.gov.ao oder dndh.mjdh.angola@gmail.com



Dear Minister,

I am greatly concerned about the four imprisoned activists
Adolfo Campos, Abraão Pedro Santos, Gilson Morreira and Hermenegildo Victor José, who were arrested on 16 September 2023 and sentenced without any evidence to two years and five months in prison for 'disobedience and resisting orders’ after an attempt to join a solidarity demonstration in Luanda. In detention, the health of Hermenegildo Victor José, Adolfo Campos and Gilson Morreira has deteriorated due to being denied medical treatment.
In August 2024, Hermenegildo Victor José was diagnosed with spinal deviation. Adolfo Campos is gradually losing his sight and has so far not received any medical treatment for it. After being diagnosed with pneumonia, his doctors recommended urgent surgery. His lawyers have submitted a request for surgery, which has not yet been responded to. He was admitted to hospital due to health complications in March 2024. Gilson Morreira was initially placed in solitary confinement for 36 days, for no clear reason. He was due to have surgery in November 2023, but it did not take place. He is currently suffering from pain in his back and legs.

As member / sympathizer of Amnesty International, I urge you to ensure the immediate release of the four activists, as their detention stems solely from their peaceful activism. I also call on you to ensure that the activists have immediate access to all necessary healthcare and that their detention conditions are in compliance with the Nelson Mandela Rules.



Botschaft der Republik Angola
I. E. Frau Balbina Malheiros Dias Da Silva
Werderscher Markt 10
10117 Berlin

Fax: 030 – 24 08 97 12
E-Mail: botschaft@botschaftangola.de